Navy survey ve el is due to join the search tuesday 这艘美国船有深海探测的能力。
Usually by sea ve el or by airplane , but can be by truck or rail as well 一般通过海轮或飞机进行运输,也可以通过卡车或铁路进行运输。
Many code ve els are fabricated party in the shop and partly in the field , e ecially boilers 许多规范容器的制造,部分是在工厂,部分是在现场进行的,锅炉尤其如此。
Would you please correct your shipment by sending the order no . 2530 by the first available ve el 请把我方2530号订单项下的货物装第一艘可订到仓位的货船运来,以纠正你方发货错误。
It said the british perso el were then surrounded and escorted by iranian ve els into iranian territorial waters 国防部说,英国人员随后被伊朗的船只包围,并被押送到伊朗领海海域。
A visual i ection must be done carefully for the materials , e ecially for those to be used in fabrication of pre ure ve els 必须对材料仔细进行外观检查,对制造压力容器所用材料尤需如此。
I inform you that the cargo of the " sophia " has been landed and warehoused here , and the ve el is undergoing the nece ary repairs "索菲亚"号货轮所装货物已全部装卸完毕并已入库存。该轮现在正进行必要的维修工作,特此通知。
We shall be glad if you can charter for us a first - rate ve el of about 2 , 500 to burden to convey a cargo of cotton goods from moji to guangzhou 贵公司如能为我公司租一艘一级2 , 500吨位的货轮,自门司港装运棉制品至广州港,我们将不胜感谢。
Malaysia pour boiling - hot milky tea swiftly and repeatedly from one ve el held high in one hand into another held low , producing a distinctive layer of froth 马来西亚人泡制拉茶时两手一高一低各持一容器,然后将滚烫的奶茶快速、反复地在两只容器间倾倒,从而使茶产生一层特殊的泡沫。
The tra lants do not require major surgery , just a tube i erted into a vein in the abdomen so that the cells can be dri ed into the liver , where they take up residence in tiny blood ve els 移植手术不需要动大手术,只需要在患者腹部的血管中插入一个导管把细胞倒入患者的肝脏,细胞就依附在肝脏细小的血管上。